ILI BOX is has a ILI9341 TFT Display with a Resistive Touch Screen wired via SPI with a mounting box. The mounting box is designed to be as compact as possible while making it as easy as possible to add a display to your project.
If you are like me, you've often wanted to add a display to an enclosure housing your Arduino Compatible Project, the issue is often that a display requires you to cut out a square in the enclosure in order to show the display's visible area.
Cutting out a rectangular opening can be difficult specially when it's done on metal enclosures, either a dremel or a really good router is needed for this, this makes it very difficult to get that opening for the display cut. Most people opt to either drill a very large holewhich exposes the display's circuit board or to mount the display on top of the enclosure which makes it a very fragile device.
ILI BOX makes this really easy as it only requires you to drill 5 holes, four 3mm/0.125" holes for mounting screws and a 20mm/0.78" hole to pass the wire down into the enclosure.
The display is housed in a 3D Printed case and has a carrier PCB with a 1mm pitch JST SH connector for SPI.
An 11-pin 20cm JST wire and a 1mm pitch to 2.54mm pitch breakout board are included for easy mounting.
ILI BOX comes fully assembled!
The JST SH 1mm connector/wire was chosen for it's size and to reduce the amount of wires hanging all over your enclosure!
The breakout makes is easier to wire the display as the CLK/MOSI/MISO lines are shared between the display and the touch screen sensor so the breakout accounts for this.
The breakout has 11 pins:
VCC for these MUST be 5V even if your MCU's logic is 3.3V the same for the power applied to the LED pin.
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